What is really going on in Libya? Many are questioning why there is no (debatable) sufficient footage of all the hospitals, schools, and civilians being attacked in Libya. Also, people are speculating that U.S intervention had nothing to do with democracy or the safety of the Libyan people. The coalition said the No Fly Zone was created to protect civilians but the severity of the air strikes are a bit excessive, making their initial reasoning inconsistent. Therefore, making their arguments a bit weak.
The latest "solid" news we have heard is about the U.S fighter jet crashing due to equipment malfunction. The U.S released a statement insisting the plane was not shot down. Now, the pilots of that plane are safe,which is great, and back in the United States! The. U.S military said Moammar Gadhafi's tanks and snipers are terrorizing civilians. I have read contradictory articles; some saying that U.S intervention was not an attack on the Gadhafi and many articles insinuating that, that was exactly the priority of the intervention. President Obama held a press conference yesterday where he plainly stated that "...it is U.S policy that Gadhafi needs to go." I think many people are supportive of the president but what the United States desires is a lucid and clear-cut understanding o what are position is. Who really knows???
The U.S expects more Arab support, and apparently there will be some Arab nations involved in controlling the no fly zone. I am sure the U.S.A will ask, long time ally, Saudi Arabia to join their forces.
It is definitely an unclear situation. As we dig for more but like so many other world incidents, where the U.S intervenes, things remain cloudy.
On a much lighter note I am elated to know that the four NY Times journalists, that were kidnapped, have been released. After being abused and threatened to be killed for six days the journalists are now safe :)
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