snoop [snuːp] Informal
(intr; often foll by about or around) to pry into the private business of others
1. a person who pries into the business of others
2. an act or instance of snooping
[from Dutch snoepen to eat furtively]
snoopy adj
I am referring to snooping in your significant others things. While they may not be a stranger, it does not give a free pass to look into their things. Why do people snoop? I think most people snoop in their significant others things because they do not trust them? What other reason would there be? If there is another reason, I need to be enlightened. That brings me to the next the next question. What constitutes snooping? If your partners Facebook messages are up on you guy's shared computer, and you look, is that snooping? Should couples be required to share their passwords with significant others? I don't know if that makes a bit of difference because if someone is going to cheat, and be sneaky about it, they will just find another avenue besides social networks to communicate with other people they are interested in.
How does someone wanting to look through your phone or looking through your phone make you feel? Or rather is it okay to look through your man's/girl's phone? What drives these actions or emotions behind the action. Is it jealous, insecurity, previous baggage? I am curious to hear some opinions on this matter. Does this behavior ruin or damage relationships? What is to be accomplished once you do look or find something?
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