Hey Guys,
I know it has been a while since I have written BUT life has been a bit crazy but not in a negative way. For the most part there have been positive changes. I was given a small promotion at my job so my responsibilities have shifted, pay and stress has increased. I am very thankful though. I told you guys I was starting weight watchers, and indeed I did. I joined two weeks ago and lost 5 lbs. my first week. I was excited and very proud of myself. Now only 45 lbs to go...I am taking one step at a time though. I want to try to avoid becoming overwhelmed so I am setting smaller goals. My next big milestone will be a 10 lb lost. I will share this milestone because I know I will reach it.
For those that are not aware, Weight Watchers is a weight loss program/lifestyle that encourages healthy eating habits, getting active, portion and hunger control. You can prepare your own meals and buy Weight Watchers pre-made meals, etc. Each week you attend your meeting and you weigh in, which really keeps YOU accountable for your weight loss. You feel so good when you get on the scale and the numbers are going down. Each week we have a different meeting topic, this week's meeting was about being negative about your weight loss. It was astounding how many of my fellow weight watchers thought negatively about their weight loss journey. Everything from, "I do not want to do this" to "this is a waste of time", and "I hate this part (weighing in)". I admit I also have been negative, saying "I will never reach my goal weight". Now honestly what kind of statement is that? How could I EVER reach my goal if I do not even believe, I mean really believe, in myself??? Self fulfilling prophecy is a real thing so, after years of human development, psychology courses, and experience I finally gave into the theory. So instead of saying "I will never reach my goal", I changed it up and said "this is the last time I will weigh this number!" I turned those negative thoughts to positivity. I refuse to foster anymore negativity.
This also applies to the way I live my life. I recently found out some very disturbing information about someone I considered very close and highly respected. I thought the individual was a completely different person. Shame on me for my nativity. I was very hurt by these new discoveries. But instead of thinking about this revelation as a negative, I am appreciative of my new found clarity. I am thankful to know about your dishonesty and your unscrupulous behavior.
If only I could have known sooner...oh well, life is all about learning and I have learned a huge lesson from you. I still wish you the best in everything you do, and we will remain friends. I just lost the respect that I had for you, and the love I had for you has diminished. Our friendship has always been something I have honored, but I realize, it was actually built on prevarication.
It is still upsetting to me, so I know I still care but all the things you preached about "not holding the next one accountable for the last one and all men are not the same" are null and void. You dismantled your own theories. I am rewiring my brain though and instead of being angry, I will be blessed for the unveiled truth.
"sometimes you just outgrow people"
-a wise man
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